Friday, May 27, 2011

BBQ Night Blast!

May 2011, Pasha's House

It has been a really long time since the last time I met these guys. We graduated from the same Junior High and it's kind of awesome that we still keep in touch like this. Last Saturday we decided to hang out together again and made a BBQ party. To be honest, the BBQ was awful :p really. The meats were good but the grilled chickens were total failure...But it didn't matter for us. We met again, we gathered again and we laughed together again, those were what mattered. 

 This was when we were trying to light up the BBQ. Seriously, we used a lot of Gas to light up the fire and at the end we spent most of our time hovering or sitting around the flaming BBQ pan, watched the fire and chatted. Pasha's cooker tried to help and she was really tough. Really, she touch the burning coal with bare hands!!! Duh! 



Shab, Risyad and Adhi

The party ended around 9PM and Diki took the girls home including me :) I should say that was such a memorable night. I really wish that next time we had this kind of thing Anna and Kevin could join us. Come you Aussie dweller, come back to Indonesia!!!
Oh, plus Muti and Andhika. Please guys, things kind of thing won't happen twice!!

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