Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Night Hunt

Well, talk about memorable nights...I remembered one and fortunately I got some photos :P
I spent that night with Dyah and Dewa (a couple :p). Dewa is such a great photographer and these photos are taken by him. We took it at the City, to be exact, at Bunderan HI. For you who never seen then here it is, Jakarta at night at the very central of it.
So, what was the purpose of this trip? Photos :p
We were just hovering around at the night city scene to gather some photos. Okay, so here my confession; I was kind of tired...
It wasn't that kind of tired like 'gosh, I can't walk further.' or such. It was kind of tired of feeling. Let me ask you one thing; how do you feel when you become a third person? a couple of your best friend, a lover, walk ahead of you and share some love while you walk right behind them, alone and just watch. I personal a watcher means I rather watch than playing inside. But hey, spent the whole night as a watcher wasn't a good choice. Beside, the view was too beautiful to waste alone.
But okay, that was over and let see the result! Yeay!

What do you think? :D
That's me, the one with white shirt. Okay, spoiler -_-
See, that's Hyatt hotel right behind me and Dyah. The water near us came from the big fountain in the middle of the main road. It's awesome, right?

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