Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I Adore 'em (Part 1)

Friends and friendship are hard things to explain. There are a lot of ups and downs along with it even in the very first of the acquaintance. But one thing I'm deathly sure about it is that I adore these peoples called friends. Not just because they are there as friends but because what they are and what they had inside...

Tyana Rahestrie
I adore her, my little bunny :P. Everybody loves her, she know how to get along, she know how to act in the middle of any situation and she's adoreable. She might be petit, somehow look fragile but somewhere within she know how to survive even in the hardest scenario. She didn't think like a girl used to think. She didn't put emotion above logic which made her become that strong girl I know. I Adore My Little Bunny :) 
 Irawati Ayu Rembulan
My Ex-Chairmate :) She's talkative, can't stay put on one place with one thing and yet when her mood goes down she would turn soooo damn creepy :p. I adore her with her confident. She's smart, such a loyal friend and most of it, I adore her mind that always goes out of the box :) She's fashionable and always successfully made me feel so messy when I stand beside her. I adore my Ex-Chairmate :)

  Sarri Setiyowardhani
Little Miss Cutie/Emo (Random) Yeah, cut yet she had such a hard heart and head :p She's childish but somehow there are some points when she seemed to know what she really want more than the other. I adore her courage on spilling out what's on her mind without mind the time, place or situation. All I know, she's brave and even though she used to lost her way and point of view but once she made it, she know she mean it. I adore my lil' miss cutie/emo :) 
 Debby Damayanti
My Model Wanna be :) She's funny! Really! She's beautiful, friendly and really, really funny. I don't know whether she meant it but every words that came out from her mouth always something...unexpected in funny ways. I adore her beauty and her funny thought :) Honestly, I really think she could be a model one day. I adore my model wanna be :)  
 Kenanga Wungu
My Queen! I don't know why but I adore her so much. For me, she's a perfect figure of wife, she's creative, kind, friendly and it seems like she sees the world with beauty perspective which made herself beautiful as well. I adore the way she always look perfect and well-organize. In fact, I adore everything about her. I look up at her but well, I can't be like her though. If I can read aura she would be all over pink and peach. That's just her and I adore my Queen :)

 Endah Pangestuti
My Miss Glommy! LOL, I know, that's not a really nice name but she somehow always look gloomy. But well, she's really nice! She's just as logical as she's emotional. I adore the way she always notice about her friends and the way she stay strong when bad things come. Oh, one wonderful thing; she really really well-organized. She seems like had a beat with time :) I adore my miss gloomy :) 
 Theofani R. R
My Miss Adorable! Wow, I can't forget how much boys that ran toward you :p and just how slow your connection is. LOL. No pun intended, okay? Anyway, Fanny is such a sweet friendly girl. She's nice to everyone and so I adore her sweetness and her charm :) A lot of guy annoy her but still she smile on them and what I adore the most is her positive way of thinking! I adore my miss adorable :) 

Ariani Dwi Puteri
  My Miss Intended Smile :p Always, her smile means something and I had no dictionary to enterprise it. Anyway, she's such a fun girl, good at basketball and tough one. I adore her courage and her power! Even though she sometimes act grumpy she's actually had a soft heart -according to me ;p- I adore my Miss Intended Smile :)

Azalia Zatadini
My Miss Doraemon! Yeay! She loves Doraemon sooo much until sometimes I'm wondering; which one she loves the most? Doreaemon or her boy-friend? Lol, just random question. So, Azza is such a sweet girl, fun and active. She seems so in to social activities. I adore her matureness and her wonderful mind. She seems to know what she want exactly and had a good sense for which one is good and which one is bad. I adore my Miss Doraemon!!

 I Adore You
So, there goes the first part and hopefully I'll add the second part :) But since I got exams for a week....

1 comment:

  1. got so blown away.
    geez i didnt even expect you to write thiz

    -ur ex chairmate
